Monday, September 30, 2013

Simpsons 3

Hello beautiful people! I am happy to update my blog this soon again. I've been sick for last 2 days and its getting a lot better so I can start  my homework and blogging. I am super excited to introduce you my newest sponsor CHICNOVA. Please check them out here. They have the trendiest and affordable fashion stuffs from head to toe. I got this cutest Simpson sweater from there since its getting a little chilly outside. When I wore this to school, I got thousands of compliments. I can just throw it on literally anything.So please check out how I styled it. Here you go!

pants-Love culture

<3 Una


ice pandora said...

Nice look with that Bart Simpson sweater, I hope you feel better!

Ava Tallulah said...

That sweater is so fun!

Ava Tallulah

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

Adorable top. I know many people who would go ga-ga over it. Sorry you've been sick. Same here. Something must be going around on the West Coast.
Beauty Fashion Skin Care Blog -Girlie Blog Seattle | Casual Chic Style

Helena Resende said...

Cool sweater :)

Unknown said...

Love that sweater! Great look xx

Carlos Rivera said...

Adorable outfit, that pullover is jus amazing! u rock it!

Morgan☾ said...

That jumper is amaaazzing, I love how you styled it! I'm definitely gonna check them out xx

Ana Silva said...

Awesome photos!! I love the sweater :DDD I'm following you^-^

Ruth Lalliankimi said...

Well aren't you beautiful :) I love the collars

Ruth x

The Dragonfruit said...

Such a cool sweater!

The Dragonfruit Diaries

C said...

I have the same sweater! I love how cute you style it with the fake collar!

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Cassandra | Backtofive

c said...

Love the sweater and your tattoo!


Yulie said...

wow amazing look! i love it !
Maybe we follow each other !?
If yes, let me know when you´re follow me & ill follow back :)

Happy weekend !

Rakel said...

funny post! ^^